Sunday, March 1, 2009

Walimah Layang2

~credits to

Just got back from Layang2.Met my aunt & uncle together with my 11 cousins which I'm not so close with.But then,the walimah held tighten up the loosely held bond between us since I manage to get along with them pretty well even though I'm still a little bit shy upon their teasing.

I met kak Mas,bro Syukur's wife and his parents,kak Pia,kak Sofi,bro Yin,Wan,Hafiz,Khairudin and Iwan.Only bro Yasin wasn't there as he needed to deal with some important matters.All of them were so friendly=)..Before this I thought their faces were a little bit different from now but then it must be because of my silly ignorance towards them,sorry dear cousins.I won't forget all of you as you're so nice during my presence there.

Kak Pia & kak Sofi were very hardworking,went here and there to ensure the smoothness of the walimah,not to mention all their brothers,arranging the tables,serving the dishes & so on.So enthusiastic.I was thrilled=) plus amazed.Proud to have them as my cousins=D

Alhamdulillah,I manage to help them-serving the dishes for the bridegroom and their relatives and gave away the berkat to those guests who were sweet enough to mesmerize the walimah.Malu sangat sebab kena usik dengan geng2 sana-matchmaker between me and bro relieved that bro sgt lepak n relax..

Dan betapa diri tersedar yang cousins saya sume sgt baik,alhamdulillah..Actually,banyak sangat yang berlaku hari ni sampai saya penat berfikir..Tapi yang bestnye,berfikir tuh kan bagus=).Nampaknya responsibility makin besar sebesar angka UMUR yang semakin menampakkan KEMATANGAN diri.Another terms-dah TUA=P

Moga sumenye baik2 saja bile saya x lg berada di sini.Ya Allah,luruskanlah hati2 kami,moga tiada yang menyimpang dari jalan tarbiyah-Mu,moga kami kuat dan tabah walau sebesar mane dugaan yang Kau berikan.Satukan hati2 kami pada jalan-Mu,serta tetapkan hati2 kami pada jalan yang Kau redhai wahai Tuhan yang membolak-balikkan hati..Amiin

Juga terasa sgt kesukaran memaintainkan ghadulbasyar (menundukkan pandangan) plus husnu dzon (berbaik sangka).Tapi,alhamdulillah senario yang biase berlaku akan kembali neutral as akan sentiasa ade sebelah pihak yang menjadi neutralizer=).Alhamdulillah,alhamdulillah=D..Juga sangat sayang my makcik and sume cousins=)..Jatuh hati=p

Alhamdulillah,lain kali insya-Allah kita jumpa lagi sebelum saya pergi.Amiin.Insya-Allah.

1 comment:

Fairuz Sallehuddin said...

aah. susah2. tapi alina mesti boleh punya!
