Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sentiasalah bersyukur kerana masih mempunyai 'hati'..Dan hati itu digerakkan oleh-Nya pada jalan yang PASTI!

Dan sentiasalah bersangka baik pada mereka yang hatinya belum lagi digerakkan ke arah itu kerana sesungguhnya Dialah yang Berkuasa Membolak-balikkan hati kita semua..

Alhamdulillah,dicampakkan sedikit kefahaman dan hikmah out of His Plentiful Knowledge that we came to know and realize why things the way they are..

Walaupun hati sentiasa tertanya2,"why they were like that even though they knew",ingatlah diri kamu jua begitu kerana Muslim as a whole belum lagi tercapai olehmu..Berdoalah semoga kita bersama2 beroleh hidayah yang menggerakkan hati kita to commit good deeds thus be revealed in our actions continuously!Insya-Allah..

Hidayah itu milik Allah,no need to say that hanya kerana kamu begini,begitu,you are far much better than others..Not necessarily,things can be the other way around dear..ighfirli ya Allah..

Have been given a mind to think,use it to differentiate between good and bad and tell yourselves many times a day,never give up as He does not like one with that attitude!Hingga boleh jatuh ke taraf kafir..

As if you berputus asa dalam mencari rahmat-Nya sedangkan He promises us with plenty of good things once we work our way into that.Never give up because He is always there,and will be always there..

Do not always think but do not come out with solution in the form of action because action should speaks louder than words..And always,a very typical phenomenon,empty vessel makes the most noise!

Things to ponder..

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