Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Insan Kerdil

Alhamdulillah,arrived here in Sheffield safe and sound =)..Alhamdulillah,I came here with a feeling of performing my duty not as an excellent student getting excited of going abroad as a result of her result.

Nothing to be proud of..as I and my friends knew the truth that lied behind this..

Alhamdulillah,5 years of staying at boarding school as well as approximately 1 year in unikl,I came here tough and strong..

With a lot of responsibility...

With a lot of things in mind..

With a mixed-up feelings..

Of not being able to carry out my RESPONSIBILITY..

But I want to practice WALK THE TALK..

Oo Allah,strengthen my heart in ur path..

As I am nobody..

Nothing in me to boast of..

Please subtle my heart..

"Bukankah telah Kami lapangkan dadamu?"

Lapangkan dadaku ya Rabbi...


Seluas saujana mata memandang..

"Seorang mukmin itu suka apa yang disukainya untuk saudaranya"

Aku ingin sehebat Usamah,Mus'ab,Thoriq..

Aku akan berusaha..

Sehabis baik..

Jauhkan aku dari mereka yang menjauhkan aku dari-Mu..

Kerana lemahnya imanku..

Tak terdaya menepis godaan duniawi..

Jadikanlah aku seperti Yusuf a.s..

Yang betah memilih penjara dari tergadai imannya...



ikimishto said...

insan kerdil dimata manusia, tapi insyaAllah, berusaha untk mnjadi hebat taqwa-Nya di pndgn-NYa....
gmbira dgr awak soronok di sana..terlalu rindukn awak...bile2 citelah tntg UK yer..alina, hnya Allah yg tau betapa hati akk nk futher master di sana.doakan dipermudahkan yer..:)

Fairuz Sallehuddin said...

Goodluck kak tenang :)